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What is a good holiday made of?

July 8, 2020

Participate in Halton Marine’s summer challenge and win a wellbeing package.

On the threshold of summer in Finland, we would like to know what makes a perfect holiday for you? You wish to travel, enjoy good accommodations, weather, food or just simply kick off your shoes and make no plans what so ever?

Summer is, for most of the Finns, a time to relax and get energized from the long, light summer nights. It is all about enabling wellbeing.

Let us know what makes a perfect holiday for you! How do you enable wellbeing? Participate in Halton Marine’s summer challenge and write a maximum of 500 words on the topic. The best contributions will be awarded with a Halton wellbeing package on the 13th of July.

Halton reserves the right to publish the best answers with writers consent.


P.S. Halton Marine factories in Finland, China and USA will be operating throughout the summer.

For more information

Salla Ahlberg
Marketing Manager, Halton Marine