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The Peregrino Field extends its range by adding a third wellhead platform to the field

July 9, 2020

Halton supplied many products for the new wellhead platform of the Peregrino oil field. The Peregrino oil field, operated by Equinor, is located about 85 kilometers off the coast of Brazil, in water depths of 100 meters at Campos Basin.

The new platform was built to expand the oil field’s range, as the area was not accessible by the two existing drilling platforms.

The Halton Marine delivery included dampers from the Halton Lahti factory (Finland), NFPA-approved galley hoods with washing function from Halton Kentucky (USA), a services wall from Halton Rochester (UK) to house the galley washing pipework and other services feeding the galley hood, and an Ansul® fire suppression system from a key supplier. Deliveries were tailored to the customer’s specific needs.
The Peregrino project demonstrates truly one united Halton, as many of its global departments/suppliers participated in the project. Halton is known for its structural flexibility, reliability, and a wide range of high-quality products specialized for demanding environments. Halton’s track record includes deliveries to over 200 oil & gas projects, as well as, 150 major cruise ships and 100 naval vessels.
“It was great to see many of Halton’s departments being involved in the project. We all worked together as a team to deliver this great project,” Graham Stedman said. Graham was responsible for the sales of the project.

Further information

Salla Ahlberg
Marketing Manager