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Halton offers fire protection with fire dampers for demanding industrial environments

September 7, 2021

A new article by Halton Marine addresses the basics of fire protection and how fire dampers can improve fire safety in industrial environments and facilities.

How to anticipate and prepare for potential fire safety risks in industrial environments and facilities? Like many other risks, the risk of fire cannot usually be completely removed. However, preparation, appropriate support systems, and the right kind of equipment can significantly reduce the risk of a severe fire accident.

Active methods are needed to prevent the spread of fire in accidents – this is where fire dampers come into the picture. Fire dampers prevent the spread of fire and gases to other areas of the building, thus protecting people, avoiding casualties, preventing property damages, and minimizing downtime of operations.

Halton has decades of experience in supplying fire dampers from commercial buildings to demanding onshore and offshore projects. Our new article addresses the basics of fire protection and how fire, gas and smoke dampers can improve fire safety in industrial environments and facilities.

Click the picture below to view the article.

The new article is part of Halton Marine’s article series Protecting People, Surroundings and Assets in Demanding Industrial Environments.

The previous issue of the series, Blast Protection in Demanding Industrial Environments, addressed the basics of explosions and blast forces and introduced general information about blast protection and the operation of Halton BDH blast damper.

More information

We at Halton are happy to help you with any industrial protection-related matters. Feel free to contact the author Toni Setänen.

Toni Setänen
Sales Manager, Heavy Industry