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Halton Lahti factory uses 100% renewable and geothermal energy

October 16, 2020

Halton Lahti factory in Finland has now changed of using natural gas to geothermal heating and changed its electricity supply to represent 100% renewable energy.

The geothermal heating solution will reduce emissions from heating the factory premises by 90%, and the related heating bill by 35%. Read the earlier published story here.
Now Halton Marine Oy has also made a contract with Pohjois-Karjalan Sähkö Oy on supplying of renewable energy, in this case wind energy, according to European Guarantee of Origin System. The renewable energy choice impacts on increasing environmental electricity production in Finland and Europe, thereby contributing towards a cleaner Environment.

For more information

Pekka Kyllönen
Factory Manager, Halton Marine Lahti