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Halton central vacuum cleaning system to the new extension in Scandic Hotel Vaasa

March 15, 2024

The opening ceremonies of the renewed Scandic Hotel Vaasa in Finland were held on 10th of April. Sustainable development is part of all operations at Scandic Hotel Vaasa and the hotel has received an official Nordic Ecolabel – the Swan. Halton had a privilege to deliver its central vacuum cleaning system, ProClean, for the hotel that contributes to sustainable development principles.

Scandic, the largest hotel company in the Nordic region, opened a new eight-floor-extension to its hotel in Vaasa, Finland. This glass-surfaced new building includes 55 new rooms, and therefore nearly doubles the number of the rooms at Scandic Hotel Vaasa. The new extension is equipped with Halton ProClean central vacuum cleaning system that enables faster and easier cleaning of the building. There are altogether 70 central vacuum cleaning inlet valves that serve housekeeping. Each guest room has its own inlet valve which enables rooms to be cleaned with a closed door minimizing any possible disturbance to the corridor. The inlet valve inside the room is also more convenient for the user. The system is powered by one central unit that is located in the AC machine room. Central unit can serve six simultaneous users. Dust collection unit is in a separate closet and easily accessible on the 2nd floor.

Scandic Hotel Vaasa has received the Nordic Ecolable, the Swan mark that demonstrates of a good environmental choice.

Halton ProClean system is an excellent choice for the hotel as ProClean system has been designed to support sustainable development. As the life expectancy of traditional vacuum cleaners can be counted in months or in best cases in few years, Halton ProClean system is expected to last as long as the building needs a major renovation. And thanks to ProClean’s modern control system, the system consumes energy only based on demand. The fans of the central unit adjust automatically based on the number of simultaneous users. In addition, the automatic filter cleaning function enables longer periods on filter change which in practice means less waste and less maintenance needs.

Halton ProClean central vacuum cleaning systems have been delivered for over 2500 projects for both onshore and offshore.

For more information

Timo Kohtaniemi
Sales Team Manager