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Meet us at Indoor Air 2022 in Kuopio, Finland, on June 12-16

April 12, 2022

Indoor Air 2022, the 17th International Conference of the International Society of Indoor Air Quality & Climate, is organized together with Finnish Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate.

Meet us at Indoor Air 2022 in Kuopio, Finland, on June 12-16

Halton is proud to be Gold Sponsor of Indoor Air 2022. Indoor Air 2022 is organized together with the Finnish Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate which was originally founded to organize the Indoor Air 1993 conference. The Indoor Air conference venue is offered by the University of Eastern Finland at the Kuopio campus. Read more at Indoor Air and register here.

Halton Foundation grants announced at Indoor Air

Halton Foundation is a charitable organization with the aim of improving indoor environmental quality. Grants are typically awarded to non-profit organizations researching how to improve human wellbeing in indoor environments. Grants may also be applied by organizations that develop solutions aiming for better indoor environmental quality. Read more here.

The application period is July 1st – September 1st 2022 and the winner will be chosen by October 1st 2022. This year, two grants will be issued, totaling $60 000. Halton Foundation will be strongly visible at the Indoor Air Conference in Kuopio, Finland in June.

For more information

Anna Gagneur
Director, Customer Journey
+358 50 339 8633