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Air conditioning in hospital facilities – Polish online conference

March 23, 2021

On 26th of March Polish scientific and technical conference “Air conditioning in hospital facilities” will take place online. Halton’s experts are among the presenters. The aim of the conference is to create a platform for the exchange of knowledge on the latest research results and technical solutions in the field of ventilation and air conditioning […]

On 26th of March Polish scientific and technical conference “Air conditioning in hospital facilities” will take place online. Halton’s experts are among the presenters.

The aim of the conference is to create a platform for the exchange of knowledge on the latest research results and technical solutions in the field of ventilation and air conditioning of hospitals. The organizers say: “We believe that the integration of representatives of the medical community who have invaluable experience from the daily work and functioning of hospitals, with engineers responsible for design, construction and operation of the facilities will contribute to increasing the level of knowledge and awareness in both groups.
As a consequence, this synergy will lead to the development of solutions better suited to the specifics of the conducted works – not only in operating theaters, but also in engineering laboratories. Additionally, and maybe most of all, it can influence on the way of thinking about the impact of work environment conditions on the comfort and safety in healthcare premises – aspects that are extremely important for both patients and medical staff.”

Halton will be represented by Paweł Borowiecki and Ismo Grönvall that will say about “Predictive analyze of indoor comfort and micro-bio parameters in operating rooms by CFD”. Among the presenters we can find: Anna Bogdan, Associate Professor at Warsaw University of Technology, Maciej Matłok, the surgeon and co-owner of design office in Poland dealing with health care facilities, Paweł Grzesiowski, immunologist and public health expert and one English speaking guest – Johan Nordenadler, Development and Governance Manager for OR technology in New Karolinska Solna in Stockholm with the presentation “Safety Ventilation in Operating Rooms Infection Control – comparative analyze of air diffusion strategies,  medical needs, and choices made and NKS hospital Operating Rooms”.

The conference is organized by Faculty of Building Services, Hydro and Environmental Engineering of Warsaw University of Technology and Polish Association of Sanitary Engineers and Technicians. The event has a honorary patronage of Ministry of Health of Republic of Poland, Supreme Medical Chamber and Polish Chamber of Civil Engineers.

The conference will be led in Polish, except of the speech of Johan Nordenadler and Q&A part in Halton presentation.

Please check the website of the conference and the registration form (both in Polish).