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Halton plant introduces geothermal solution in Lahti

October 15, 2020

Halton is switching from natural gas to geothermal heating at its Lahti plant.

The new solution will reduce emissions from heating the factory premises by 90%, and the related heating bill by 35%. The new heating solution is being designed and implemented by the energy service company, LeaseGreen, as a turnkey project.

Energy efficiency has always been important to Halton.

“We want to be at the forefront of the fight against climate change. Adopting geothermal heating will make our plant one of the most environmentally friendly in the industry,” says Mika Halttunen, Chairman of the Board and main owner of the Halton Group.

“Cases like the Lahti geothermal project are the best possible investments in sustainability because they pay themselves back. I feel certain that, when the dust settles following the coronavirus crisis, data on CO2 emissions will become a major competitive factor for large companies,” Halttunen says.

The Halton Marine plant in Lahti specialises in high-quality customised indoor climate solutions and fire safety products for the marine, energy and heavy industries. The factory was established in 1989 and expanded in 2016. The factory, which has an area of 7,000 square metres, employs around 140 people.

Pekka Kyllönen, the Factory Manager, is delighted with the geothermal solution and considers the resulting environmental and cost benefits exceptional.

“It feels great to be able to say that an industrial plant like this is no longer consuming the world’s non-renewable resources. At the same time, we are eliminating the price risk associated with dependence on a single energy supplier. As an energy solution, natural gas has been as easy as the proverbial piece of cake. However, electrical heating has undeniable benefits.”

LeaseGreen estimates that Halton Marine will achieve savings of between EUR 1.8 million and EUR 2.6 million with geothermal energy, depending on energy price trends. CO2 emissions from heating will fall by 100 tonnes per year, which corresponds to around 450 solar photovoltaic panels.

The change in energy system is also important for the factory’s internal environment, since cooling comes as part of the deal.

“We’ll improve conditions in the whole factory, and be able to adjust them with greater precision. The temperature on the production premises can be lowered by a few degrees during hot summer weather, and the air humidity drops. The office’s air conditioning machine was approaching the end of its life anyway, and it uses a lot of electricity,” says a satisfied Kyllönen.

For more information

Pekka Kyllönen
Factory Manager, Halton Marine Lahti