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Halton DSA for cold conditions

December 30, 2020

Droplet separators are designed to restrict the passage of moisture, salt spray, rainwater and airborne aerosol particles e.g. into HVAC systems, engine rooms intakes, machinery spaces, and diesel and gas turbine air intakes. Halton DSA is designed for cold conditions.

Halton’s DSA high-efficiency droplet separators with heated vanes keep air intakes clear during cold conditions.

The actual surface temperature of the heated DSA depends on many variables such as size of the separator, wind circumstances, face velocity, air temperature and relative humidity. Electrical heating capacities vary between 2,5kW/m2 – 3,7kW/m2, depending on these conditions. The cable heating does not prevent icing in the most severe conditions but it will help defrost the ice when the icing conditions have passed.

When intake air is crucial during extreme icing conditions, the Halton ECS (Extreme Conditions Solution) keeps the air intake open. The ECS is available as an option.

Download Halton’s brand-new product datasheet for DSA droplet separator and view the 3D model online.

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Halton supplies DSA for Yamal LNG: Check out Total’s video on Yamal LNG: A Gas project like no other

For more information

Salla Ahlberg
Marketing Manager, Halton Marine